France: Arles

History from Gaul to Van Gogh

The southernmost city on the Rhône is located in its delta, the Camargue. In 123 CE Romans built a gladiatorial amphitheater in the city center. Narrow streets radiate from this landmark.

An artistic legacy

The shop window mannequin figures above illustrate Arles’ artistic heritage in modern times. Vincent Van Gogh took up residence here in 1888, and Paul Gauguin was a frequent visitor.

Van Gogh’s café

It was on this small garden plaza that Van Gogh spent evenings with his fellow Arlésiens.

The Roman amphitheater

Originally built for gladiatorial combat in 90 CE, it seats 20,000 and is still in use for French-style bullfighting. In Camargue style, the picador merely annoys the bull.